About our factory
Name: Nagao Kanekoma Factory Co., Ltd.
Adderss: 286-1 Torimachi, Miki-city, Hyogo 673-0456, JAPAN
Establishment: in 1894. Founded by Komataro Nagao.
We were incorporated in 2021.
The Five Leaders
1894 The founder "Komataro Nagao"
started up a company to produce Hirata knives in Hirata, Miki City. Later, he began to manufacture Higonokami.

The 2nd "Shigeharu Nagao"
Took over the Higonokami production and had the Higonokami trademark registered.

The 3rd "Akira Nagao"
Took over the Higonokami production.

The 4th "Motosuke Nagao"
Took over the Higonokami production. Nagao Kanekoma became the one and only producers of Higonokami.

The 5th "Mitsuo Nagao"
Took over the Higonokami production. He is now engaged in developing a new Higonokami.
Nagao Kanekoma Factory Co., Ltd.
The corporation was established in 2021.


A scene at the workshop